Friday, March 18, 2011

Welp, here it is!

Hello my little Blogger Followers,

I don't know how much of a blogger I'm going to be, but I figured this was a good way for family and friends to keep track of me and the life that God has so richly blessed me with. Hopefully I'll be able to draw a tiny picture of what is actually going on down here in good ol' Texas. I'll forewarn you now: sometimes I use a southern accent. Some of you may be proud and others (like Blake) will say, "Easy Tex."

I hope that no matter where you are or whatever it is you are doing, God is showing you, daily, the amazing and unbelievable things that He's doing for you in your life. Because let me tell you, daily He shows me.

Be prepared for stories involving lizards, crickets, the heat, German things like Schlitterbahn and Wurstfest and stories about lots and lots and lots of kids.

If you're following this then it must mean that you love me and of course that must mean that I love you. I miss you all, am praying that life is good for all of you, and can't wait until the Lord has our paths cross again!



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